Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Shaking the dust off

Well, I haven't touched this blog (or really any of my personal interwebs) in ages, and I do believe it's time to remedy that.

Now then, the purpose hitherto of this blog shall be to get all the little scraps, ideas, and rough drafts that constantly never seem to go anywhere out on paper. Mostly for my benefit, but hey, you're here, you might as well browse around too. A lot of things will be disjointed fragments that were worth producing, but not worth actually building a full story/mockup for. Occasionally, I'll rant, as I am prone to do. Lastly, any real projects I have going on can now have a home that I can show people (for some reason, blogs seem less "hey look at my thing that you don't care about" than notebooks)

Just to start off with, a listing of dead/dormant/bluuuuuh projects:

  •     Of Wings Imagined (and the spin off fanfictions thereof) is permanently on hiatus, due to it being a terrible self insert novel that had only one redeeming quality, one that I don't have the patience for as a writer. I'll post the notes for it separately, because this is going to be long enough as it is.
  •     Lunafall: Moonrise might get a revamp. After a lot of self forgiveness, I look back at it and wonder how people who read it see me. For future reference, I am much less of a nutter than I portrayed myself as (at least I hope not)

  •     Æser Armor, though only a pipe dream project, is probably out of reach permanently. As nifty as a magnet based density strengthening military armor would be, the technology would be too expensive to develop, and I lack the scientific rigor to work my way into a research grant.
  •     Same goes for the Endodermic Exoskeleton.

  •     The Open Source Government Project (vaguely mentioned in the last post) is on permanent backburner. While I'd love to start it up properly, I don't have the internal umph to get going. I'll try to list the project details (sparse though they are), so if anyone else wants it, go for it.

  •     The Pony version of Royal Road is dead. We lost too much momentum, which lost us our authors. I might get the last four Tarot Cards done in order to complete the set, but it'll be up to the artist, and she's busy right now. That said, me and Lazuras are working on writing it out as a proper story. Updates here whenever.

  •     Just Another Day might be revisited some day when I'm drunk and feel the need for some good ominous storytelling,HP Lovecraft in Silent Hill is under the same heading

  •     The nameless story that Froggiequeeneth and I were working on I think is dead. I'm still up for writing it, but I think she's forgotten all about it.

  •     NaNoWrMo 2014 busted at the 2000 word mark, and I don't think I'll pick that story up again.

    Mind Palace construction research is toasted until I get my life a little more organized. I'll link all the resource links when I get a chance.

And now for the fun part: Active Projects

  •     Royal Road, like I said earlier, is having its core revamped for Novel creation.

  •     Maelstrom of Fire's website will be made as soon as I actually figure out what I want to put on it. I'm in the process of relearning HTML in order to make it.

  •     Some freelance graphic design work, I'll post results in my DA portfolio.

  •     Voice lessons starting soon, hopefully that'll open up some avenues.

  •     The Arcanum Keyboard might have a new programmer, and I've been thinking through design profiles and options again.

Last but not least, I've gotten my head on straighter, and still working strong on self improvement/depression reduction. Yaaaaay. That's enough rambles for now, theoretically I'll post again soon.

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