Thursday, January 29, 2015

Open Source Government Project Notes (Page 1)

This project has been shelved until the time that I can look at the state of the world and not decide that a nap sounds like a more doable option.

    The idea for an Open Source produced government constitution has been knocking around the back of my head for years, and as my personal goals all fall away, has been the only one to genuinely feel worthy of dedicating my life to. Please note that this is only a very basic document and not by any means an overview of the entire project in design, plans, theory, or execution.

    The ultimate goal of this project was to create a website of Wikipedia level proportions, consisting of

    a massive forum where people will be able to use their verified real world credentials to back up their claims and debate the topics of the new system,

    a completely refurbished legal system created by The People using current case precedent as guidelines but throwing out bad rulings and cases based on bad rulings, as well as creating new laws without the restriction of an over-encumbered red tape brigade

    a new constitution following the spirit of the founding fathers, declaring the core tenets and daily maintenance of a new nation

    a continuously live updating draft of a Declaration of Reconstruction (based on the design of the Declaration of Independence) (might have to change plans once large enough),

    a multipoint cloud routing server to allow privacy and to make destroying the project by standard methods and hacking attacks exceedingly difficult

Some base understandings I hold true, based on my personal beliefs which I hope all will find acceptable:

    A government is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, and should only intervene in a personal freedom if it wrongly impugns the freedom of others. Damage done to the environment impugns the freedoms of all.

Religious freedom goes both ways. (I have a particularly nasty reaction to people who violate this in either direction. You’ve been warned)

Weapons are necessary in the hands of the public because they will always be in the hands of the military, and those who control the military cannot always be trusted.

Intentionally violating a right of another strips you of that right yourself.


Just because things are the way that they are, doesn’t mean they have to be.

    On this document are just a few ideas for the more radical changes being proposed directly by me. Hopefully, the site ideas page version will have the basic amendments we currently have, revised for clarity and updated, and will include new amendments based on the more influential cases for the past century or so. It will also take into account all current precedence cases, and throw out destructive ones as necessary.

Revoke Corporate Personhood. If fought, allow cooperation death penalty (immediate freezing of all company assets), civic responsibility, ,chain of command suits (saying “I was just following orders” will not be an excuse for assisting with criminal activity)

Make the Federal Reserve into a government owned and operated system, because the fact that it’s a private company that literally controls all our money is the most terrifying thing about our whole nation.

Eliminate deficit spending outside of specific situations. Attempt to eliminate the pervasive use of credit in the public to reduce financial system backlash as well as dissuade the public from allowing the government to use it. (after all, how can we expect the government to keep from spending when the public that they rise from doesn’t?)

All politicians must have a degree in their desired field to weigh in on issues. Doesn’t need to be much, but at the very least an associates or certificate showing that they have at least some knowledge. All politicians heading over a specific section (for instance, science committees) must have a masters in their selected field.

Privacy is a human right, but it can and should be broken if just cause is given.

Death penalty for unrepentant heinous crimes and heinous crime repeat offenders, both only possibly if evidence is sufficient (define sufficient later)

Fix the education system to teach to the more intelligent spectrum of the classroom, create strong avenues for those who can’t keep up (well paid tutors, provide online access with no distractions). Pay teachers well, but their tenure comes up every ten years for evaluation to eliminate dead weight. Curriculum planning could be subsidised as a separate system. Reduce the ludicris costs of college education, especially in the medical field.

Change standardization practices that enforce learning specific information to be considered acceptable (Would need massive teacher input)

Make state schooling mandatory for at least one year in a childs life (look into studies on the most effective year) regardless of homeschooling to better socialize and to de-isolate abused and neglected children from a hidden environment. This will also make sure that children are learning at at least some modicum of an acceptable level. (Possibly state check-in tests?)

Reduced family tax benefits due to overpopulation and the abuse of that system until budget is balanced.

Homosexual marriage should be legal, but with distinctive protections for clergy that don’t wish to marry them not being considered “hate speech” and the like.

Shred the insurance, education, equipment and drugs square of medical finances. Doctors should not be sponsored to prescribe certain drugs (don’t pretend it doesn’t happen). Hospital drugs should be affordable to the every day person. Charging prices against insurance creates havoc for those who don’t have insurance , as well as defies any attempts to create a working public healthcare system (Obamacare, for instance, doesn’t even touch the outrageous prices attached to hospitals, which taxpayers then have to pay for). To that end, meetings for this project with the medical oversight boards would cover how to eliminate insurance pricing, while also paying for unpaid care, maintenance and equipment.

Work towards an initiative granting every citizen a free year long (Maybe longer?) bout of psychological therapy (obviously subsidize for that year) in order to reduce general tensions, psychological disorders in the public, psychologically driven shootings, improve family dynamics, ect.

Politicians who declare any large scale aggressive action outside the United States must be on the frontlines for the initial charge or in some other way see and feel the direct results of their actions.

Lawyers and politicians should be subject to threat of being charged with “perversion of justice.” Intentional use of technicalities and loopholes to allow corrupt behavior (define later) could be brought up in court by any legally certified person (so the average idiot cannot bring these cases forward). The minimum penalty is that the case be reevaluated with a different set of people and stricken from precedence. Maximum penalty would be the complete stripping of all certifications and public achievements down to the high school diploma, and the reevaluation of all cases for the past two years. Penalty for bringing a case forward falsely would be the reverse: The bringer of the case would have their careers put under scrutiny (it would act as an automatic countersuit)

Self chosen euthanasia should be allowed under the following conditions: Separate the individual from their environment for a year of therapy. If, after proving lingering desire to die without outside influences reinforcing it and having discussed and ruminate about it for sufficient time, they decide to go ahead, a humane method should be used. Terminal patients should also have this option (decide later on the specific qualifications and ethics)

Guns should require getting a license, but should be readily available for those who pass the requirements (general sanity, skill in shooting, knowledge of how the thing works, safety classes ect)

Marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco (and more possibilities) should be regulated at 18 with the releasing of a “unhealthy freedoms” license. The class required to recieve it should be straightforward on the dangers and problems with each one (not a scare tactics class), especially emphasising the dangers to people who are younger with those products. If you violate the terms of the license, you lose the privilege to all of them. It can be retaken after five years, and a second violation is permanent.

This one is extremely theoretical:

    Essentially an all base needs covered welfare program. The reason this is even on the table (when a communist or socialist based system is definitely against the better interests and possibilities of a shortwork reformation) is that automation, outsourcing and general industrial systems have reduced the need to actually work. This creates an unstable job market that can’t support the entry level positions necessary, while also requiring businesses to create pointless and unnecessary new extra jobs just to handle the excess. Many businesses have to deal with outdated and inefficient strategies and technologies in the interest of keeping the job market afloat.

The plan for this would be to pay for the absolute basics for all legal citizens (covering illegal citizens would kill the budget, but this actually makes immigration issues easier: Illegal citizens have to work to stay, but they don’t drain welfare). Minimum required food to live, access to clean water and sanitation, and a roof over their head, medical and mental assistance.

To get anything above the absolute basics, you have to work a job or sell things like you do now. This guarantees that if people need to quit a job, work on a long term project, or make sweeping life changes, they can do so without fear of ending up on the street and starving, while also opening the job market to those who genuinely want to make a better life instead of working just to get by.

Renovate currently unoccupied areas for project, especially largescale buildings that have little other use (Abandoned Super-Walmarts for instance)

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