Friday, January 20, 2012

A Political Post

Yesterday, a broad stroke was drawn in a new kind of revolution. It was international, public, and unstoppable. Though it did not create as much change as one would hope, such a new frontier should not go unnoticed. My deepest congratulations to the assorted users of the internet who stood together strong against a new weapon of mass legal destruction.
This being said, I question our lack of capability to fight proposals such as these at the roots. Our government is based on antiquated thinking. We have flown into the twenty-first century faster than our guardian angels can fly. Technology, socialization, information, understanding, communication: We have exponentially advanced as a world more in the last one hundred and twelve years than in the last two thousand combined. And we have just begun. We still have unanswered questions, questions not even conceivable to the twentieth century mind, and questions that will haunt the next generation of which we are currently blissfully unaware.
The things that lag behind in this exponential growth are those made of solid structure. The structures we have in place to guide and protect our society are aging far faster than they can adapt, and are groaning from the added weight. If something is not done to renovate, America, and many other nations, will implode, and there will be no sympathetic ear to listen to our cries.
This brings me to the primary treatise of this post (and blog). I want to begin a new structure for a new world. A fully thought out, beta tested, community based government. Open source government, to be precise. We have an opportunity now, in an enlightened age, bristling with information and the power and ability to share it, in a time of great civil unrest in the world and political unrest in our nation, to change. We can hold a proper revolution, one not of blood and violence, but of ideals and innovation. A truly unique opportunity, not to be passed over lightly.

TL;DR: The American government no longer serves the people. The internet and the world should suggest components of a truly new system of government. Then draft and establish this new government as a community based project project.

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