Thursday, January 29, 2015

A New Writers Guide For Fiction

For those who want to start writing, but don't know what to start with. (Or for writers who have walked themselves into the need for a new type of plot)

    Roles of Characters to try (vaguely ordered for fastest experience gain. Writers end up writing each of these at some point anyway, and usually in this order, but writing them intentionally will give you a clear definition):

    The Mary-Sue: Write without planning. Leave it open, so that you can add to it when you randomly think of something cool to write in as you walk down the street someday. If you had the powers of a God, what would you do with them? You can limit the powers to something unique and specialized, but just something that makes you unstoppable. Don’t think too deeply about anything but the character and setting. It doesn’t have to be realistic of who you are, it could be who you want to be, who you see yourself as in your better moments, even the conflicting views of yourself as characters.

    Who would you be if you could do anything? Would you be kind? Badass? Cruel? Afraid of being cruel? Afraid of being unstoppable? If you save the world, what kind of place does it become? Who would try to stop you, and why?

        Pro: Very freeing, good learning experience, and shows you how to break limits and not overdevelop your characters. Also extremely fun. Should read like watching an action movie (regardless of genre), e.g. Lots of explosions, witty one liners, cheesy romance, and no real plot to speak of.

        Con: Everyone writes a mary-sue at some point, it’s a right of passage. Writing one intentionally clears most of the learning requirements, but won’t clear all of them.

    The self insert: Write from the perspective of you in a situation. Can be inserted into an existing realm (Harry Potter for instance) or can be a constructed scenario (worldbuilding is a skill worth developing in its own right, but it’s difficult to learn). Plan something short, create an outline and a timeline, then start at the beginning and ask “What am I seeing? How does it feel to be in this world? How do I react to these things happening?” Make sure to feel it through naturally, and don’t be afraid to throw out the outline and restructure it if your character takes off in an unexpected direction.

        Pro: Very introspective, great learning experience, increases realism of your imagination, draws your experience to the surface and develops base world running skills without worrying too deeply about your characters motivations and reactions

        Con: Very limiting, have to keep yourself as you are, sometimes its painful dealing that closely with yourself

    The Negative Self: Write without planning. Be aware that it doesn’t have to ever be finished, you can walk away from it without worry. Draw on your worst aspects, and create a character out of it. It doesn’t have to directly reflect you, but instead the aspects of yourself that you dislike the most. How does this amalgamation of these characteristics interact with the world you place it in? What or who does the character need to improve or balance themselves?

        Pro: Therapeutic, allows you to see what you’re investing in a character, teaches how to develop a character. Can be fun (see Dan Vs for an example of authors having fun playing with their worst traits)

        Con: Generally very emotionally painful, easy to get lost in the negatives, highly recommend creating a Mary Sue first.

    The Concept: Either planned or unplanned. Choose something validly different from you. Aliens are an easy way to do this, but something terrestrial like a tree also works. What do trees think about? What do they feel? What is their entire life like for them? Write from this perspective. Try to divorce yourself from how you see the world, and focus on how this thing would.
        Pro: Realize that every character you write contains a part of you, and that even then, your character can be completely different from you. Helps develop strong diverse characters and supporting characters.

        Con: Intellectually difficult, learning detachment isn’t always a good thing (make sure to feel how that detachment feels, so you can identify it in daily life)

    The Antithesis: Plan this one out and limit the chapters. Ask yourself, who do I deeply not understand? Maybe even, who do I hate? Create that person or type of person as a character, and give writing for them a solid chance. How you write them is up to you, but writing them sympathetically is more effective. That does not make them right in whatever they do, it simply makes them human. People rarely do evil for evils sake, so why are they doing it?

        Pro: Enlightening, allows you to face a part of the worlds demons on a friendly battlefield.

        Con: Extremely difficult, makes you second guess your writing and characters motivations, as well as your own.
    The Big picture: Plan out every detail of a world that doesn’t work like ours. Magic is an easy in for this, but even an alien society, or the world of the future work as well. Think through and write out each aspect of the world, from the government to the religion, the physics and the boundaries of the unknown, interpersonal politics and history, flora and fauna.

        Pro: Worldbuilding is an excellent skill to develop, and it increases system and model thinking, which improve learning and memory recall skills as well

        Con: Labor intensive and unrewarding, since you build the world without a distinct narrative. You can turn it into a story once it’s done, but that’s not the point of the exercise.

Some Prose for Mothers Day (Completed)

 Annette awoke to the music of the morning. A meadowlark warbled its distinctive tune somewhere outside, and was promptly joined by the heckling of the magpies, lying in wait for breakfast. The customary fast paced thu-thudding accompanied by steady thump moving down the stairs. Most uniquely to her life, the daily orchestra of pans in the kitchen began to sound. It was zen, in it’s own way. Like relaxing wind chimes. CRASH! Very obnoxious windchimes. CLANG CrrRRhhh clunk. In a tornado.

As she lay there, listening to the warming symphony, she relaxed into the lull of half remembered dreams, reveling in her day off. She didn’t even have to open her eyes today if she didn’t want to, and while she knew she wouldn’t get away with that, she could still pretend for the moment. The warm bed caressed her, bidding her to stay, cuddle with the blankets in that perfect trench in the bedding that formed overnight. Delightfully tempting, but if she stayed too long, she’d have to wrest control of the music from him, because Heaven help us if we don’t wake up to Gypsy Kings at full blast at least once a week... Too late.

Spanish lyrics drifted out of the kitchen, signaling that breakfast was well underway. Well, that he had finally decided what cookbook to pull out, open the page to, and then completely ignore anyway. She sighed and opened her eyes, looking up into the gentle morning light. That was one of the best things about having the house face face south, the sun didn’t get straight into your eyes. Unless someone left the curtain open on the side window, she remembered as she turned to the left, temporarily blinding herself.

Jobee, jobo detekederdo... Annette, not for the first time in her life, wished she had a firmer grasp of Spanish, or had at least looked through the lyrics to that song. It probably would have been easier to sing along with if she knew what it meant. Something about love and a girl named Nina. Groaning, she rolled her way out of bed. That gentle sting in her lower back presented itself, the pull of muscles that didn’t want to wake up, but she tuned it out. The mass of hair that suddenly flipped into her eyes was harder to ignore, but she managed through sheer force of will. Stepping down, her foot landed in something fluffy. And angry at being disturbed.

“Sorry!” she yelped at the mewling cat. I swear, if he didn’t want to be stepped on, then he shouldn’t spend so much effort finding the perfect place to be in the way. She gave him an affectionate pet behind the ear anyway and pulled her hand away before he could bite it. The slog to the shower was so much faster without clothes, one of the better advantages to having an empty nest. That thought drew her attention to the office, previously her sons room. Before any longing could take hold, it was pushed out of the way by exasperation at the stack of paper mosh that had managed to topple over and seemed to be frozen in place, as if it had been caught crawling towards the living room. Probably the cat again.

She rolled her eyes and moved back towards the shower, but hesitated. A mischievous grin spread into her face, as she turned to the stereo and hit play. Now it was a battle of wills, and while she was in the shower, she couldn’t hear either song. The dulcet tones of Norah Jones began drifting out into the house to wage war as she closed the door behind her. I waited till I saw the sun...  and flicked on the fan for extra protection. Climbing into the shower, she turned the hot water knob all the way, and gave a momentary shriek as meager splash of cold hit her. Well! That’s one way to wake up. Her heels bounced on the floor outside the door, waiting for the water to heat up. Feeling the shift from arctic glacier to flowing volcano, she maneuvered her hand in to turn the cold on, ever so slightly. For whatever reason, this particular shower had always vexed attempts at anything less than subtlety where the cold was involved, shifting from fire to ice with the slightest provocation. Getting in and pointedly avoiding the drain, she leaned into the cascading warmth, drinking it into her bones. The gentle pull of muscles eating the heat heartily, drawing it down the spine, it was indescribable and addictive. Paired with the feeling of the soft water, like a permanent breeze that added to the body instead of feeling like it was pulling away, she would stay there forever if it was possible. All too soon (thirty minutes later), she felt clean and relaxed, waking up all over again.

Heading to brush her teeth, she noticed that the Gold Bond foot powder had toppled over in the cabinet. She shook it off and ignored it, putting the paste on the brush. Then, sighing, she turned around to place it back on the shelf. It wouldn’t do to just leave it there after all. It readily became apparent why it had tipped over, since there wasn’t any real space for it on the shelf. Moving some of the items out, she pushed all the less useful (when did we get this bottle of massage oil? Wasn’t that seven years ago?) and more cumbersome items (Is this protein powder? Why is it even in the bathroom?) to the back. After emptying most of the front, she threw several mostly empty bottles, and a few that smelled offensive, into the trash, and stacked everything back in. Clapping her hands once at a job well done, she rinsed them off and opened the door.

The stereo had already fired all its acoustic ammunition and had shut itself off. She grabbed the robe that was sprawled over his sleeping chair and shrugged it on. As an afterthought, she grabbed one of the towels hanging inside the bathroom and wrapped it around her hair. She didn’t want to deal with it all today, but leaving it without drying was begging for frizz and tangles. Her measured step rang through the stairs, thump-thump-thump, landing in a great thud at the bottom. One day they were going to have to reinforce that brace, it always sounded horrible when someone hit it. Behind her, a tentative bump-pause-bump was slowly making its way to the party. Once they were clear, the rapid thud-thud-thud of stairs taken faster than they should be sounded out.

And there he stood, looking at home in a way he rarely did elsewhere, leaning over the stove with heavy contemplation over some grey bubbling mush. Without looking, he reached into the spices, spinning the rack, and grabbed something. He read the label, frowned, and grabbed the cannister next to it before dumping some into the mix. His objective apparently completed, he turned to her with that wide honest smile.

“Good Morning honey! Sleep ok?”

She smiled and mumbled, grabbing the cup of coffee he’d already poured for her, and took a sip. A bit more life flowing through her veins, she said back “Morning honey, I slept alright. You?”

He shrugged and held his smile, but she wasn’t buying it. “Eh.” he said, and nothing more was needed. “Would you like anything for breakfast?” he said, gesturing to the carton of eggs and the grey substance of unknown origin and eldridge composition.

“How about some hot cereal? Do we have any seven-grain left?” She opened the fridge absently, already knowing that there wasn’t anything quick and breakfastable inside. The odd colors of adventures in eclectic ingredients greeted her, and she pulled the half-n-half out past a particularly striking purple-orange mixture. He chuckled behind her, reaching for her customary heavy hot grain oatmeal which he had already set out on the counter, and starting the laborious process of adding water and tossing it into the microwave.

Milking the coffee to taste, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the brew. He had pulled out the french press, and while she still balked at paying that much for such a breakable coffee maker, some days she couldn’t question the results. That rich, smooth taste that left her mouth dry in just the right way, with just the hint of bitter over the top. Her caffeinated revelry was interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing. On instinct, she picked it up, chastising herself internally for not letting the machine get it. “Hello, this is Annette.”

“Hello, is Virginia there?” a timid voice asked at the other end of the line. Here we go she thought. Must be a new one in the call room.

“This is she.” She managed to keep the annoyance out of her voice. Mostly. A little bit.

“Yes, uh, this is gffrffl. (Why do they insist on hiring people who mutter on phones, she mused in her mind.) We were wondering if you would like to volunteer to come in today.”

She resisted the sigh. It was difficult, but she managed. She resisted the urge to yell at him, no need to kill the messenger. She even managed to resist just hanging up. She was in a good mood, and despite their attempts to ruin that, she didn’t feel like being rude today. “No thanks, I’m enjoying my day off.” She did emphasize the point however.

Sufficiently cowed, the caller hastily wished her a nice day and hung up. As she hung up, she smiled. That was pretty satisfying actually. She sipped at her coffee. Coffee tastes better with the fear of the defeated trespasser she decided. A loud beep came from the corner of the kitchen where foaming and hissing had presided, and he pulled the bowl of steam and that pale scent that lingered on the edge of consciousness. She grabbed the honey, and after a moments thought, headed out to the porch. He’d join her eventually, once whatever he was doing was experimented into submission. Sitting in the chair and placing the bowl on the table, she looked out over the yard. The blues of flax and the yellows of assorted flowers she didn’t need to memorize greeted her, and the gentle trickling sounds of the river washed over her ears. For all its maladies, this place had its paradise, and she was bound and determined to soak up every ounce of it for the week.

He came out shortly and sat abreast of her, omelet in hand, smothered in a grey sauce with dark bits of mushroom and sausage in it. Absently, she used her fork to steal some, and equally absently, he fought her utensil off after the second bite. They sat in companionable silence, occasionally broken only by those conversational pieces that serve a purpose, but when you try to think back on them, didn’t matter enough to even remember. Just part of the being. She chose to ignore the feel of black fur sliding under her legs, and the brown eyes that looked up at her mournfully. He broke down and slipped a chunk of egg to the pleading green eyes that sat their head on his lap. They would learn to not give into the dogs begging eventually. Maybe. Probably not.

There were things to do today. Things that needed to be done. Stuff that had piled up over the week, and daily pieces of life that hadn’t yet been accomplished. And yet, as she sat there, stroking the black fur under her feet, she looked out and felt like being free. She turned to him with a gleam in her eye, and broke the gap of the standing silence.

“Hey, you want to go to swimming in the river?”

Open Source Government Project Notes (Page 1)

This project has been shelved until the time that I can look at the state of the world and not decide that a nap sounds like a more doable option.

    The idea for an Open Source produced government constitution has been knocking around the back of my head for years, and as my personal goals all fall away, has been the only one to genuinely feel worthy of dedicating my life to. Please note that this is only a very basic document and not by any means an overview of the entire project in design, plans, theory, or execution.

    The ultimate goal of this project was to create a website of Wikipedia level proportions, consisting of

    a massive forum where people will be able to use their verified real world credentials to back up their claims and debate the topics of the new system,

    a completely refurbished legal system created by The People using current case precedent as guidelines but throwing out bad rulings and cases based on bad rulings, as well as creating new laws without the restriction of an over-encumbered red tape brigade

    a new constitution following the spirit of the founding fathers, declaring the core tenets and daily maintenance of a new nation

    a continuously live updating draft of a Declaration of Reconstruction (based on the design of the Declaration of Independence) (might have to change plans once large enough),

    a multipoint cloud routing server to allow privacy and to make destroying the project by standard methods and hacking attacks exceedingly difficult

Some base understandings I hold true, based on my personal beliefs which I hope all will find acceptable:

    A government is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, and should only intervene in a personal freedom if it wrongly impugns the freedom of others. Damage done to the environment impugns the freedoms of all.

Religious freedom goes both ways. (I have a particularly nasty reaction to people who violate this in either direction. You’ve been warned)

Weapons are necessary in the hands of the public because they will always be in the hands of the military, and those who control the military cannot always be trusted.

Intentionally violating a right of another strips you of that right yourself.


Just because things are the way that they are, doesn’t mean they have to be.

    On this document are just a few ideas for the more radical changes being proposed directly by me. Hopefully, the site ideas page version will have the basic amendments we currently have, revised for clarity and updated, and will include new amendments based on the more influential cases for the past century or so. It will also take into account all current precedence cases, and throw out destructive ones as necessary.

Revoke Corporate Personhood. If fought, allow cooperation death penalty (immediate freezing of all company assets), civic responsibility, ,chain of command suits (saying “I was just following orders” will not be an excuse for assisting with criminal activity)

Make the Federal Reserve into a government owned and operated system, because the fact that it’s a private company that literally controls all our money is the most terrifying thing about our whole nation.

Eliminate deficit spending outside of specific situations. Attempt to eliminate the pervasive use of credit in the public to reduce financial system backlash as well as dissuade the public from allowing the government to use it. (after all, how can we expect the government to keep from spending when the public that they rise from doesn’t?)

All politicians must have a degree in their desired field to weigh in on issues. Doesn’t need to be much, but at the very least an associates or certificate showing that they have at least some knowledge. All politicians heading over a specific section (for instance, science committees) must have a masters in their selected field.

Privacy is a human right, but it can and should be broken if just cause is given.

Death penalty for unrepentant heinous crimes and heinous crime repeat offenders, both only possibly if evidence is sufficient (define sufficient later)

Fix the education system to teach to the more intelligent spectrum of the classroom, create strong avenues for those who can’t keep up (well paid tutors, provide online access with no distractions). Pay teachers well, but their tenure comes up every ten years for evaluation to eliminate dead weight. Curriculum planning could be subsidised as a separate system. Reduce the ludicris costs of college education, especially in the medical field.

Change standardization practices that enforce learning specific information to be considered acceptable (Would need massive teacher input)

Make state schooling mandatory for at least one year in a childs life (look into studies on the most effective year) regardless of homeschooling to better socialize and to de-isolate abused and neglected children from a hidden environment. This will also make sure that children are learning at at least some modicum of an acceptable level. (Possibly state check-in tests?)

Reduced family tax benefits due to overpopulation and the abuse of that system until budget is balanced.

Homosexual marriage should be legal, but with distinctive protections for clergy that don’t wish to marry them not being considered “hate speech” and the like.

Shred the insurance, education, equipment and drugs square of medical finances. Doctors should not be sponsored to prescribe certain drugs (don’t pretend it doesn’t happen). Hospital drugs should be affordable to the every day person. Charging prices against insurance creates havoc for those who don’t have insurance , as well as defies any attempts to create a working public healthcare system (Obamacare, for instance, doesn’t even touch the outrageous prices attached to hospitals, which taxpayers then have to pay for). To that end, meetings for this project with the medical oversight boards would cover how to eliminate insurance pricing, while also paying for unpaid care, maintenance and equipment.

Work towards an initiative granting every citizen a free year long (Maybe longer?) bout of psychological therapy (obviously subsidize for that year) in order to reduce general tensions, psychological disorders in the public, psychologically driven shootings, improve family dynamics, ect.

Politicians who declare any large scale aggressive action outside the United States must be on the frontlines for the initial charge or in some other way see and feel the direct results of their actions.

Lawyers and politicians should be subject to threat of being charged with “perversion of justice.” Intentional use of technicalities and loopholes to allow corrupt behavior (define later) could be brought up in court by any legally certified person (so the average idiot cannot bring these cases forward). The minimum penalty is that the case be reevaluated with a different set of people and stricken from precedence. Maximum penalty would be the complete stripping of all certifications and public achievements down to the high school diploma, and the reevaluation of all cases for the past two years. Penalty for bringing a case forward falsely would be the reverse: The bringer of the case would have their careers put under scrutiny (it would act as an automatic countersuit)

Self chosen euthanasia should be allowed under the following conditions: Separate the individual from their environment for a year of therapy. If, after proving lingering desire to die without outside influences reinforcing it and having discussed and ruminate about it for sufficient time, they decide to go ahead, a humane method should be used. Terminal patients should also have this option (decide later on the specific qualifications and ethics)

Guns should require getting a license, but should be readily available for those who pass the requirements (general sanity, skill in shooting, knowledge of how the thing works, safety classes ect)

Marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco (and more possibilities) should be regulated at 18 with the releasing of a “unhealthy freedoms” license. The class required to recieve it should be straightforward on the dangers and problems with each one (not a scare tactics class), especially emphasising the dangers to people who are younger with those products. If you violate the terms of the license, you lose the privilege to all of them. It can be retaken after five years, and a second violation is permanent.

This one is extremely theoretical:

    Essentially an all base needs covered welfare program. The reason this is even on the table (when a communist or socialist based system is definitely against the better interests and possibilities of a shortwork reformation) is that automation, outsourcing and general industrial systems have reduced the need to actually work. This creates an unstable job market that can’t support the entry level positions necessary, while also requiring businesses to create pointless and unnecessary new extra jobs just to handle the excess. Many businesses have to deal with outdated and inefficient strategies and technologies in the interest of keeping the job market afloat.

The plan for this would be to pay for the absolute basics for all legal citizens (covering illegal citizens would kill the budget, but this actually makes immigration issues easier: Illegal citizens have to work to stay, but they don’t drain welfare). Minimum required food to live, access to clean water and sanitation, and a roof over their head, medical and mental assistance.

To get anything above the absolute basics, you have to work a job or sell things like you do now. This guarantees that if people need to quit a job, work on a long term project, or make sweeping life changes, they can do so without fear of ending up on the street and starving, while also opening the job market to those who genuinely want to make a better life instead of working just to get by.

Renovate currently unoccupied areas for project, especially largescale buildings that have little other use (Abandoned Super-Walmarts for instance)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Lies of Truth (Completed but unedited)

    (Tried writing differently than my normal style. Came out decently enough, but even though it's successful for what it was meant to be ~disjointed and disconcerting~ I don't think I'll write another like it if I can help it.)

    As I walk through the empty night, shadows plague my every turn. Everything turned in the last few days. The papers showed my picture as the Most Wanted Man in America. I stop and pull my hood in tighter. Can’t show my face anywhere, can’t be identified. Have to act inconspicuous, but the tight hoodie is a calculated risk. Have to wear it. The makeup approach came out less than spectacular. Barely escaped that last hotel before they saw my skin from underneath its veneer. Have to be free. Can’t hide. Can’t die. Can’t be caught.

    I’ve been framed, I know it. Even then, I didn’t remember killing all those people, but as I pass a store, the TV is replaying the video of the slaughter for the upteenth time. There’s my face. My body. My gun. The darkest expression I could ever muster, looking slightly constipated and happy about it. There are my victims, lying in all of that blood. There’s the look of disgust that I wore the last time I had to contend with death. Memories of the dog flood in, lying there in its blood and shit. Blood I could always handle. Nice almost; rich, metallic, warm, thick. Feces stinks, but it’s manageable. But that horrific perfume of death, blood and voided bowels. Death never hit me that hard, the pain of others being the only trauma I received. But that foul mortal smell. I shudder, and keep walking.

    I think back over That Day.

    Started normal. Woke up, grabbed breakfast, sat there wasting the light. Surfing the mind numbing drug of internet junk food. Once in a while, pulled myself together to read something meaningful, but it never lasted for long. Stumbled upon the news at some point. Read about the grand opening. New Egyptian museum. Whole mess of rich people with names that sheeple care about attending. Don’t care, not sheeple. Bored. Went to bed.

    I wake up hours later to the sounds of blaring sirens. Head hurts. Hands sticky. Smell blood. Bloody nose in my sleep?


    Door flies into my room with a thundering crack. Stomping footsteps. Untangle myself from the sheets. Squad of blurry figures, black sticks that I get a bad vibe from. Reach for my glasses, get yelled at to stay still. Put my hands up slowly. Feel sick. Throw up on the bed without moving. Why? Full of confusion. Head still hurts. Shoved to the ground. Carpet scratches my face. Always hated that carpet. Really, all carpet. Horrible stuff really. Smells like puke. Oh, right. Extra metallic puke. Red? Oh, shit. Pass out.

    Come to, strapped to a chair. Ask what’s going on. Feel strange. Like a head cold, without the sinus trouble. Hard to think. Blurry shadow walks up. Puts glasses on my face. Can finally make out the uniform. Head throbs, wasn’t just the lack of optical focus. Uniform asks me why I did it. I ask, “did what?” His face contorts. Swears under his breath. Asks more questions. I have no idea what he’s talking about. Door opens. Pretty Uniform brings in a tv. Turns on a security cam video. Nice place. Good architecture. Gold filigree everywhere. People wandering around aimlessly. Nice clothes. Pretty dresses. I walk in. Black and red, favorite suit. Bring out the gun.

    I know what’s coming, and I look away as the screaming begins. They turn it off. Ask if I want to change my story. I know what they’re talking about now. I don’t change my story; I have no idea what’s going on. They lay it out. I’m on the tape. Survivors recognize me. Blood evidence shows that I was there. Blood evidence on my arms when they found me. Ask if I was drugged. No drugs found in my system. Surrender myself willingly for psychiatric evaluation. Waive lawyer rights. Evidence overwhelming, still don’t understand. Still feel sick. Still feel wrong.

    Sit in the cell for nights, hearing the demands of the death penalty outside the station. Head doesn’t stop pounding. Murderer. Psychopath. Mad Dog. Should be put down. I agree. Still don’t understand. Must have done it. Can’t have done it. Search my memories, remember my dreams from the nap. Lucid dream, nothing violent, no sign of sleepwalking. Always remember my dreams. Go into hybrid-sleep when waking up, pull them into the waking world. Is this a nightmare? Pinch self. Hurts. Pain might be a lie. No way to know.

    Doctors white lab Coat walks in. Asks questions. Analyzing me. Patronizing. Know what’s going on. Not a child. Don’t like it. Coat writes “obviously agitated.” Wonder why, fucker. Acknowledges head pain and sick, askew feeling. Ask for blood tests. Coat smiles, says he’ll do what he can. Lying. Leaves, door closes. Alone again. Must be isolation ward. Or Uniforms that don’t make arrest quotas. Keep trying to think. Focus. Remember. Fail. Go back to sleep.

    Wake up unrestrained on bed. Door unlocked. Clothed with hoodie. Blood on the floor. Want to stay. Want to lock myself back up. Afraid. Close eyes and curl into a ball. Want to cry. Never cry. Haven’t cried in years. Feel empty. Always feel empty. Feel wrong and empty. Fall asleep curled up.

    Wake up in the dark. Sounds of life bustling around. Want to stay curled up. Want it all to go away. Want to go away. Head hurts. Why? Don’t understand. Just start doing. Auto-pilot.

    Walk out of alley. Clothes are different. Clean with a bit of mess. Grease stain here. Torn seam there. Not brand new then. Good, less noticeable. See an open window. Lights off inside, no sounds. Girls room. Grab makeup kit. Search a few drawers, grab a necklace and some cash hidden under the drawer. Predictable. Disappear into the night.

    Days pass, and my head starts to clear. Nationwide mansearch is in progress. Remember That Day clearly. I woke up in the middle of that nap to shift positions. Saw the time on the clock. Could be lying to myself? Can’t prove it anyway. Already two states away. Amazing what a little stealth can pull off. Steal small things to survive, never leave traces. Pawn a few things of worth, good at disguising my voice. Been practicing for years, no real reason. Don’t know why I’m bothering. Might as well end it. Make a public spectacle of it, relieve all their fears. Decide to do it. Walk out in open daylight, middle of town square. Hundreds of witnesses. Pull the knife up to my neck. Head hurts. Feel wrong. Pass out.

    Wake up, see state sign. Five states away. Car overturned in front of me. News is on the radio. Hundreds slaughtered. No direct witnesses, security camera confirms that I was there. Don’t understand. How could I? Horror at hurting people aside, the physical capability seems beyond me. Especially with the small knife. The knife. It’s there. It’s stuck in the solid plastic of the steering column. All the way to the hilt. Some of the hilt is pushed in too. Bloody. Stumble back. Afraid. Walk into the forest. Find a creek. Wash up. No blood on me. New clothes. Body unwashed. Confused. Don’t understand. Head hurts. Have to stay away. Danger to others. Can’t stop myself, have to hide. Follow creek into mountain. Find a cave. Build a camp. Feel sick, catch some fish. Fish feel right. I eat them raw. Tastes horrible. Build a fire, cook them. Much better.

    Fire should last some hours. Feel so tired. Head hurts. Feel wrong. Lie down to sleep. Wake up. Smell of blood. Head stings. Backpack in my hands. Not mine. Don’t look around for its owner. Already know. Can’t hide, won’t let me. Can’t die, won’t let me. Can’t be caught, won’t let me. Have to live with them, only way to keep them safe. To keep me safe. Begin walking. Fresh clothes. Hair different. Beard cut. Hard to recognize. Road sign, points to town. Small town, minimal collateral damage if it happens again. Head starts to clear. Doing the right thing. Doing the only thing.

    Brings us to yesterday.

    Head hurts. Feel wrong. Different than before. Not confused. Open eyes. I stand by the mirror. I watch myself from the bed. I turn around. My eyes lock onto mine. Skull burns. I’m thinking clearly. I feel so deeply, deeply afraid of myself that stands before me. I speak, and my voice sounds wrong.

    “Hello. It’s been fun being you, but I’m done now. Nothing personal you realize, just needed a pawn. Framed him nicely.”

    I blink. Head stops hurting. More terrified than before, as I begin to deform. A great inhuman head forms, shadowy and incoherent. The body follows, becoming both human and canid at the same time. Squared ears, too sharp of an angle to feel natural. Whole body ebbs and flows like blobs of ink, popping into and out of existence. Elongated face, too long and sharp. Hurts to look at. Dark eyes, void of recognizable feature. Body is sloped and lithe, looks like a greyhound. Looks like a mans body at the same time. Head hurts. Can’t focus. Confused. Two tails, split like a snakes tongue. Wags, doesn’t exist. Stays still. Exists. Close eyes. Open them. Wish I hadn’t.

    He stands there. I still lie on the bed. Head hurts too much to move. Try to move arm. Leg moves instead.

    “Ah yes,” he intones, words reverberating off of each other. “Borrowing your form must have been unpleasant for you. It’s all yours now. You’re free now, doesn’t that make you happy?”

    I try to respond, but my arm moves instead, and fingers twitch randomly at painful angles.

    “Mortals are so unappreciative. You helped me greatly. Just one more step now. And it comes with a gift. Don’t humans always desire to live? To be free?”

    I can’t understand. His words hurt in creative ways I never thought possible. My ears feel as if they have been pulled through a mirror, hearing everything in backwards glass. My eyes hear the vibration of the words.

    He begins to form once again, it hurts just as much, but in a different way. A great eagles head forms in its stead, liquid golden light flowing off of it and disappearing into the void around him. He waves his hand at my arm, while it also stands still at his side. My arm burns, and on reflex I reach for it. My leg twists at my attempt, several pops and a cracking sound responding to its new arrangement. Fire sears into my flesh, golden flames that touch darker black. An eagle mask upon the creatures true face appears on my arm. I know it’s true name, stitched into the fabric of my reality. “Sutekh” rings in my soul, but the name that screams when I speak it is “Horus!”

    “My work is complete. Be well mortal, and speak ill of me wherever you will go. You cannot be contained. Cannot be killed. Cannot be hidden. Speak your truths, and forever bear my lies, and through us, my enemy be the purveyor of unspeakable evils.”

    My eyes listen in terror, as the great being opens the door, and quietly fades away. I slowly move my arm, and it moves in response. I don the makeup, and begin to walk to the next town. I have to find somewhere to be. Can’t hide. Can’t be harmed. Can’t be stopped. Have to be free to tell the lying truth.

    “My actions were not my own, Horus is to blame.”

Just Another Day, Story thus far and project notes

    The young man strode forward through the ash laden street, steering clear of the shadows that spilled from the silent city. The day brought with it so many possibilities, each with its own malice and malcontent. The grey sky above was no different than any other day, the darker grey ash falling gently like snow. Empty streets surrounded him endlessly. The day promised to be simple, just a friendly visit to his parents, but he knew full well that the promise was a lie. Pulling out the battered map, he noted the frantic circles over buildings and gashes through streets, all written in vibrant red ink.

    His first stop was the old hotel on the right. The only door available let him into the kitchen, bereft of unperished items aside from a bottle of olive oil, which he took with a bored expression. Seeing nothing that hadn't long rotted beyond consumption, he shifted his focus to the empty dining room. There was a mundane metal statue in the center of the room, just another human long forgotten. The only thing worth noting was the golden chain that adorned its neck, and after stowing it in his satchel, he departed. Behind him, the sound of something melting behind him was ignored.

    His path would be clear to the hospital now, he thought to himself, as he walked through the fog lost in his ruminations. It would be nice to catch up. Some papers drifted through the street on a momentary breeze, and on long borne instinct he grabbed one out of the air to read. It seemed to be an advertisement for the recently released Ford Model A, and yet, it had the air of archaic production that he found quite often found in printings from before his birth. Indeed, it felt in his hands the same way that a handwritten copy of a book felt, knowing that the printing press had long made the method obsolete. He pondered it for a moment, then let it fall back into the breeze from whence it came, and began walking again.

    A broken melody began to play from the music box in his satchel moments later, and his keen eyes noticed a figure in the dense fog. The shadow that lurked beyond sight was also moving along the sidewalk, its lurching form slowly becoming more distinct and familiar. He tipped his hat towards it, and continued walking without delay. It regarded him shrewdly, the tilting of the horns upon its head the only noticeable change in its stance. The shredded wings upon its back expanded, revealing their skeletal appearance. It silently turned as he went past, the spaded tail whipping behind his back, the featureless face following intently.

    The man turned to it as he passed, and muttered under his breath, “Lovely day for a walk, isn't it?”

    The creature said nothing in response, and the man continued on his way unhindered.

    Halfway to the hospital, the road he was walking on abruptly became a cliff, jagged edges of pavement tapering off into a foggy abyss, twisted railings and the edges of shop walls cut as if by the raging force of a meteor. He shrugged, noting the broken path on his map before turning back. He would just have to rearrange his schedule for the day, and go to the club meeting first. He turned down the necessary route, seeing another broken road ahead, and frowned. There was a house to the left, a duplex, that extended past the break. Deciding to skip the hassle of finding another way, he walked to it, absentminded pulled out the ring keys he had found so far, and opened it.

    Upon opening the lock, the key fell into dust, and he wiped his hands on his pants to get rid of the remains. Inside, four skeletons sat around a table, with an open seat for a fifth. One sat back in the chair, grinning an eternal smile, holding a bloody organ of some kind in her lap. Another was slumped against the table, a broken penny in its hand. The fragment missing from the penny lay in the hand of the third, its other skeletal mitt clasped with the fourth. Upon the table itself there lay a battered hat with a torn red ribbon, the fabric disconcertingly new and clean looking against its surroundings. The house itself had fallen into disrepair, but had no signs of disturbance. Windows left open let flakes of silt drift gently in, and areas around them were covered in the soft grey ash. In the corner lay a violin, which caught his eye. He absently retrieved the ribbon, followed by taking the key hidden under the hat without looking towards it.

    Picking up the violin, he noted the distinct lack of debris, and the pristine state in which it looked. He slipped it into the nearby case, in which he found a small songbook written in strange symbols, with tunes nearly indecipherable even by a knowledgeable musician. Seeing nothing else around, he walked to the opposite door, only to find it locked. Around the knob was a circle filled with more strange symbols, and several empty bars for music. He sighed. While glad that the key was so close to the lock compared to the alternative, the fact that they were so close together made the whole exercise one of futility. He pulled out the violin, and played a quick refrain to test the sound.

    As he tested the last perfectly tuned note, the room became dark, lit only by the gentle lantern that hung upon his belt. The dreary light that had flowed through the windows had stopped. He didn't turn around to find out why, but merely sighed again and began turning the keys on the instrument and pulling upon the strings. Slowly, the sounds produced by the instrument became unrecognizable, filled with strange intonations and haunting reverberations that were felt more than heard. He smiled gently and lifted it to his chin. Closing his eyes, the bow drawn sharply against the strings, he pulled deeply against the notes, stringing them together from memory alone.

    A great chorus of resounding notes filled the room, lingering long after they were played, settling on the skeletal audience at the table, who now all faced him, black ichor residing where they had previously rested. He opened his eyes and bowed as he heard the click of a door unlocking. He stowed the violin once again, and hefted it to his back. It was rare for him to find something that would survive the proper tuning. A great and guttural growl came from outside the window, something that spoke of dark dreams and unspeakable thoughts. Light filtered back through the house, leaving everything in dreary light once again.

    “Glad you enjoyed it,” he said with a grin as he walked through the now musically engraved door.

    Stepping once again onto the streets, he glanced back at the obstacle he had just surpassed, only to find a boarded up door behind him and a perfectly average road where a jagged cliff had been before. He looked at the renewed scenery for a few more seconds, shrugged, and continued down the fog laden path.

    Pulling out his map, he wiped some red smudges away, nodded, and turned down the next street. The broken music box melody resumed, and he looked around for whatever was disturbing the tune. He saw, silhouetted in the fog, a shape not unlike that of a man, albeit a grotesque resemblance. It stood seven feet tall on the right half, and five feet tall on the left, as if two people had been sewn together halfway through the body. An unsightly bulge of flesh extended out of the shorter halves shoulder, with dimly glowing lines and pustules that pulsated with strange colors that exist only at the edge of the eyes perception. It lurched forward, a mindless expression on its dark flesh.

    The man gently crossed the street, avoiding any acknowledgment of such an unfortunate individual, and continued ahead a a mildly faster pace. More shadows presented themselves in the fog, and he deftly avoided them, not letting them delay him for long with their lumbering gait. The shortest route to the hospital was blocked by several of these wandering beings, and rather than have to deal with them, he decided to go through the schoolhouse to the other side.

    The schoolhouse was built in aged and worn brick, with signs that were once bright and welcoming tattered above the door. The door itself hung halfway off the hinge against its counterpart, adorned with peeling grey-orange paint. Boards and pasted newspapers drowned out the windows, letting nothing see in or out. He didn’t come here often, but today it couldn’t be helped.

    Gingerly, he set the door aside, careful to not tear the remaining hinge. No reason to break what is already broken, if you could help it. His hand slipped however, and with a loud crack, the door fell sideways into its right counterpart before they both slammed into the hallway. Grinning sheepishly, he walked inside, whistling as gently as he could, ignoring the clatter of the doors under his feet.

    The long dark hall spread before him, the only dim points of light cast inside through the holes in the classroom windows. None of the classrooms had doors that he could tell, and they were all completely empty. Where doors should have been, only torn hinges and deep jagged scars along the walls could be found. Aged and dirty bulletin boards dotted the spartan walls, a few scraps of paper tacked on with rusty tacks.

    Stepping briskly through the halls, the only sound in earshot the clacking of his shoes. Just as he began to relax into the stillness, it was shattered by a screeching wail. The air raid horn was sounding once more. It blared sharply into the open air, its echo overlaying and creating a disconcerting harmony. The man stood still, knowing that nothing he could do would make a difference. As the sourceless sound resonated against the walls, he began to feel the floor vibrate. He watched, bemused, as the edges of the nearest board shook apart and dissolved into the air. The shattering particles moved out. cracking the walls before they tore away like burning paper.

    Behind the quickly evaporating surfaces, dark rusty beams could be seen, some with holes eaten away by years of neglect. The floor underneath him crumbled in some areas, leaving only patches of broken and jagged concrete on a mesh framework of metal bars, and a deep chasm filled with fog below. As the intangible fire finished its first course of walls and windows, the it began to eat through the roof above. The man deftly dodged the few disintegrating chunks that fell around him, not bothering to take cover knowing nowhere was safe. Behind the destroyed roof, a great dark red sky bloomed, slowly fading in from the retreating hazy grey of clouds. Distorted black and grey nebulae shrouded sickly blotches into the heavens, and the occasional pale star shone as the only familiarity to the nightly black tapestry. A moon of fiery orange and yellow slouched along the horizon, its center eclipsed by a writhing mass of black tendrils of unknowable origin and composition.

    A great tangled ribbon of shadow loomed throughout the abandoned hallway, leaving large fiery moonlit patches untouched in between arm width stilled specters. Everywhere it touched, the cement fell, the creaking wall beams cracked and warped, and the deep gouges on the door frames oozed a putrid dark liquid. The scent of recently decayed flesh and the thick iron scent of blood mingled with the deep gaseous olfactory tone of burning rubber. The man solemnly pulled the morning newspaper from the messenger bag and, unfolding it to hold over his head, was glad he thought to bring it. Walking down the hallway at a decent clip, he nimbly dodged the broken sections of the frame walkway, which were slowly melting into a black goo at the edges of the shadow. The paper in his hand sizzled a bit, but didn’t give way to the corrupting penumbra.

    Through the empty walls, he looked into the classrooms as he passed. Dark inarticulate shapes moved just beyond sight on the edge of his vision, and he did not strain himself to see them. A splatter of dark red could be seen far down the hall, drops of thick liquid dripping from the mesh grating. It dragged across concrete further in, before taking a sharp turn into the nurses office. The end of the hall had been destroyed completely for six feet, leaving torn metal and concrete standing on the edge of the abyss. Beyond it, the ceiling looked much less destroyed, and though it was decidedly ominous in the resulting darkness, it looked a mite better than the moving shadows that ate through concrete like sugar. He sighed, resigned to what was about to happen as he followed the crimson path. The gouges in the walls that had been sparse in the hall were covering the doorframe, as well as the broken lower half of a door that remained.

    Peeking in over the doors edge, the room was dark but otherwise completely innocuous. There was a dilapidated desk crumbling in the middle of the office, surrounded by paper debris. He could see a bit of the sink and supply area, not that seeing the tendrils of splotchy black mold it presented was told him anything he wanted to know.  A filing cabinet was overturned against the doorframe over the small patient room off the office. The dark stain on the ground dragged off to the edge of that room, and seemed to pool just before the cabinet. After grimacing at the sights, he noticed the final thing of import about the room: it was intact. The shadow hadn’t eaten away the roof, and the protection seemed to emanate out into the hall for a few feet.

    Deciding that there was no use putting it off, he pushed the door open, the creaking hinges giving no resistance as it swung into the wall. Cringing at the sudden noise in otherwise silence, he straightened and relaxed, walking straight to the desk and grabbing the key that he knew would be in the only serviceable drawer, which would obviously be the bottom right. Pulling out one of those new soda bottles proclaiming to be filled with “health drink”, to which the key was attached, he shrugged and put both into his bag. Seeing nothing else lurking in the room, he headed to a closet door that was opposite the patient room, and tested the lock. Hearing the satisfying ‘click’ and knowing that he wouldn’t have to investigate it, he smiled and turned towards the overly ominous cabinet.

    Holding its  top edge on the countertop, the cabinet completely blocked the entrance.. Pushing from assorted angles, it wouldn’t budge back towards standing. Turning towards the supply station, he was pleased to see a push broom in fairly decent condition. The handle was broken off near the top, leaving about two feet of sturdy wood to work with. He braced the broom against the inner edge of the metal, halfway down, and gave a strong shove. The fulcrum proved successful, and soon he had a triangle shaped hole to crouch through. 

    Inside, he found a small lantern and some candles, all just barely visible from the last of the hallways light. Underneath, he found a decent length of rope with a grappling hook. Taking the hint about how to proceed, he pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned before stuffing the rope into his bag, the hook edged on the rim. Lighting the lantern with the book of matches he always kept in his pocket, he looked once more around the room. At the end was a note, typeset in what looked to be black woodblock letters.

“Aeons it awaits

to consume earth

not ever knowing”

    Below the message was a slot, and a series of blocks lay strewn about a stand underneath. A glance at the blocks revealed them to be a strange alphabet in an indecipherable language, one which he intrinsically knew had to be missing a few key glyphs.

    Turning to leave the riddle behind, he found the door fully blocked by the cabinet. It had slid further down, leaving no space to crouch through. Not wanting to get his clothes covered in blood of mysterious origin, he set down the lamp and braced his stance. Pulling all of his weight into the act, he shouldered into the heavy cabinet, and with a colossal crash, it slid into the room. Nothing noticeably stirred, other than the plume of dust that was thrown into the air. Coughing from the disturbed spores, he gathered his things and gingerly hopped over the overturned cabinet and turned towards the door.

    The door that was now stuck closed because of an open cabinet drawer. Upon prodding the the problematic metal with his foot, he snorted and looked for the puzzle that would obviously appear. Crouching to check the open drawer, he found a block with one of the missing glyphs, as well as a silver keyhole that would unlock the drawers. As he looked around for other possibilities, he felt deep scraping noises reverberate through the floor. In a touch of panic, he threw his head around, seeking the source.  The room he had left was still empty, and the hallway had no unaccountable shadows. He relaxed slightly, before hearing the telltale click of a lock turning.

    The closet door groaned open, and the shape of a child stumbled forward. It was pitch black, and covered in long jagged barbs and spikes, the most prominent extending from the outstretched hands. The music box in his pocket once again began its dulcet tones, certifying the danger in a way that only the strange gentle notes could.  It appeared to be blind, as it crashed into the desk and hugged its arms around it, searching the surfaces with its thorns. Deep scratches tore through the desktop, and as a small pointed foot smacked against the wooden leg, the entire thing succumbed to its decay. The prickly child held its faceless head downcast, shaking it back and forth while holding its arms to itself. He let out his breath gently, trying to not alert the pointed child to his presence. His attempt failed miserably, as the small head perked up and turned towards him immediately.

    Reaching out quickly, he retrieved the broken broom from its rest on the floor, and held it out defensively. The dark arms spread wide and the form stumbled towards the man. It was deftly intercepted by a thick brush of bristles to the face, but was not deterred. Flailing its arms around, it pushed its face into the broom, several jagged edges catching and giving splintered gashes to the broomhead. He pushed the broom forward, the child pushed as well, but eventually backed away as the strength proved too much. In the now open closet, some dark cubes could be seen by the rapid flickers of his lantern. He moved to retrieve them, and nearly had his leg grabbed for his troubles. Letting go of the pressure on the broom, he forced the creature to stumble forward and took his chance to grab the blocks.

    He didn’t expect the thing to stabilize quickly, but as he ducked down to pick up his loot, he felt the sharp tug at his jacket and heard the fabric shredding along his back. Quickly jabbing the broom behind him, he spun around and raced over to the front door, hoping against rationality that whatever key he would get by solving the riddle and block puzzle wouldn’t be necessary. Sure enough though, the door was locked tight and not budging. He could hear the shuffling behind him getting closer.

    As the hopelessness of the situation caught up with him, the adrenaline coursed to its peak. At that moment, he had an epiphany. The horrifying absurdity of it all threatened to overwhelm him with manic laughter, but he managed to keep his mind in check. With a less than graceful lunge, he leapt through air of the broken door. The scratching behind the door abruptly ceased, the sudden silence disorienting him momentarily. After gathering his wits, he stood and dusted himself off, looking to his next objective.

    Staring at the gorge, he momentarily wished to be back in the room, struggling for his life. Reaction at least took a more active role there than chance and raw strength. Knowing that nothing would change if he stayed where he was, he pulled the grappling hook out of his sack and swung it to gain momentum. It gained purchase on the rebar and jagged concrete on the floor of the other side, and without further ado, he leapt into the unfathomable abyss.

    Landing on the spongy floor, ten feet below the concrete gap, he once again was threatened with hysterics over the anticlimactic development. The city was being kind, and it was worrying him. With a tug on his anchor rope, he assured that he’d be able to get back out after picking up whatever he needed here. Lighting the lantern, he looked down. Unidentifiable living flesh made up the whole of the area, pulsing gently in random patches.

    In front of him lay the only feature of the chamber, a drafting desk dripping in nearly black, thick, gelatinous blood. The source of this blood appeared to be a circular chain of paper links, forming a necklace.  Grimacing, he pulled a handkerchief from his breast pocket, and moved the necklace into his bag. 

v Not yet written spoiler filled structure stuff v

    Across the chasm,

    Outside the schoolhouse,

    The world is red, filled with mannequins posed like people on a busy street. The air is silent, and not a single one thing is moving. 

    Breaks the chain that is tied to a large group of mannequins that are attacking. They fall to the ground instantly once the chain is broken. Takes a length of it with him.

    Siren blast, world fades back to Fog


    He knows the way, he's been there so many times before.

    Statue with open hands hands- Puzzle note requires melted mamon, chains of toil, and a mans leash. Places the gold necklace, the chains, and the red ribbon


    Patient creature

    Catching up with his father (monster or human?)

    walking down the street playing a tune that wove into the street like water, filling all the cracks, it was just another day for Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

Shaking the dust off

Well, I haven't touched this blog (or really any of my personal interwebs) in ages, and I do believe it's time to remedy that.

Now then, the purpose hitherto of this blog shall be to get all the little scraps, ideas, and rough drafts that constantly never seem to go anywhere out on paper. Mostly for my benefit, but hey, you're here, you might as well browse around too. A lot of things will be disjointed fragments that were worth producing, but not worth actually building a full story/mockup for. Occasionally, I'll rant, as I am prone to do. Lastly, any real projects I have going on can now have a home that I can show people (for some reason, blogs seem less "hey look at my thing that you don't care about" than notebooks)

Just to start off with, a listing of dead/dormant/bluuuuuh projects:

  •     Of Wings Imagined (and the spin off fanfictions thereof) is permanently on hiatus, due to it being a terrible self insert novel that had only one redeeming quality, one that I don't have the patience for as a writer. I'll post the notes for it separately, because this is going to be long enough as it is.
  •     Lunafall: Moonrise might get a revamp. After a lot of self forgiveness, I look back at it and wonder how people who read it see me. For future reference, I am much less of a nutter than I portrayed myself as (at least I hope not)

  •     Æser Armor, though only a pipe dream project, is probably out of reach permanently. As nifty as a magnet based density strengthening military armor would be, the technology would be too expensive to develop, and I lack the scientific rigor to work my way into a research grant.
  •     Same goes for the Endodermic Exoskeleton.

  •     The Open Source Government Project (vaguely mentioned in the last post) is on permanent backburner. While I'd love to start it up properly, I don't have the internal umph to get going. I'll try to list the project details (sparse though they are), so if anyone else wants it, go for it.

  •     The Pony version of Royal Road is dead. We lost too much momentum, which lost us our authors. I might get the last four Tarot Cards done in order to complete the set, but it'll be up to the artist, and she's busy right now. That said, me and Lazuras are working on writing it out as a proper story. Updates here whenever.

  •     Just Another Day might be revisited some day when I'm drunk and feel the need for some good ominous storytelling,HP Lovecraft in Silent Hill is under the same heading

  •     The nameless story that Froggiequeeneth and I were working on I think is dead. I'm still up for writing it, but I think she's forgotten all about it.

  •     NaNoWrMo 2014 busted at the 2000 word mark, and I don't think I'll pick that story up again.

    Mind Palace construction research is toasted until I get my life a little more organized. I'll link all the resource links when I get a chance.

And now for the fun part: Active Projects

  •     Royal Road, like I said earlier, is having its core revamped for Novel creation.

  •     Maelstrom of Fire's website will be made as soon as I actually figure out what I want to put on it. I'm in the process of relearning HTML in order to make it.

  •     Some freelance graphic design work, I'll post results in my DA portfolio.

  •     Voice lessons starting soon, hopefully that'll open up some avenues.

  •     The Arcanum Keyboard might have a new programmer, and I've been thinking through design profiles and options again.

Last but not least, I've gotten my head on straighter, and still working strong on self improvement/depression reduction. Yaaaaay. That's enough rambles for now, theoretically I'll post again soon.
} }